Shrinking tunnel for beds

The ME-125 machine produces heat that reduces the size of the bag for an optimal adjustment.

Túnel de retractilado para embolsado de camas y colchones


  • Specially designed for beds and mattresses: its measures match the bed sizes, no extra power is needed.
  • PLC and SSR controlled: allows analogic control of the temperature, with fast reactions (1 second control cycle).
  • Bed measures: from 170x70x10 to 225x225x50.
  • Maximum heat isolance: 8 cm mineral wool isolance reduces the energy losses. Power selectable from 20 to 90 KW. Warming time 10 minutes.
  • Extreme safety measures: detection of running belt, fans working, electrical consumption, open roof for fast cooldown.
  • Precision engineered: ensures smooth and fast movements in each module. PLC control with touch screen.


